Rainbow Little Project
I love looking at people windows and finding brilliant rainbow artwork and support messages to the NHS.
I wanted my toddler to get excited about it and learn at the same time.
These are some activities that we did:
We adapted the song “We are going on a Lion hunt” to “We are going on a rainbow hunt”.
We made a rainbow with pebbles and leaves.
We painted a rainbow.
Learning Opportunities for Reception Children
Trying to read the messages in other children’s rainbow artwork.
Give your child a story opener and let him/her amaze you with his own story:"One day a little boy drew a rainbow, that rainbow was special ..."
Looking at window shapes. Can you find any circular windows? Did you find any window with a round side and a straight side?
Reinforcing positioning language while you sing the song: "We are going on a rainbow hunt". You can use actions to show the meaning of words such us: "over, under and through".
Expressive Art and Design
Singing the song "We are going on a rainbow hunt" and playing instruments. Can you bang two sticks to the rhythm of the song while you sing?
Can you make a rainbow using nature (pebbles, leaves, flowers or sticks)?